
„When we decided to move from the 17th district (of Budapest), we spent a lot of time thinking about where to go. We had this idea in our heads about a business with Hungarian hospitality, Hungarian cuisine, horses, animals… and we were looking for the perfect place for this. My friends told me that it would be ideal somewhere around Gödöllő, because it is close to Budapest, there is the Gödöllő Royal Castle, which is a great touristic attraction, so we started our search in the area. We got to Domonyvölgy, we arrived to this place that used to be a sheep farm, and within 30 seconds we said: Well, this is the place that we thought about!”

Vilmos Lázár, Zoltán Lázár

Price quotation

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    2182 Domonyvölgy, Fenyő utca 47.
    GPS: N47.62949 E19.40773

    +36 28 576 510

    +36 28 576 511


    At your service:
    György Darázs, director: +36 30 396-8002
    Barbara Kocsis  sales manager: +36 30 871 3424

    /Please discuss the event’s menu with the colleagues above!/
    Balázs Madarász: +36 30 683 1212

    Stud Master:
    Gábor Szegedi: +36 30 229 5496
    /horse trading, fodder purchasing, hiring grooms/

    Company details:

    Name of company: CBA L és F Kft.
    Address: 2182 Domony-Domonyvölgy, Fenyő u. 47.
    VAT number: 10783933-2-13
    EU VAT number: HU 10783933
    Company Registration number: 13-09-081074
    Licence number: 18/2014 (Domony Község Önkormányzata)
    Statistic id. number: 10783933-4711-113-13

    Bank: OTP Bank Nyrt.
    Bank address: 1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 21.
    HUF bank account: 11794008-20501905-00000000
    HUF IBAN: HU 89 11794008-20501905-00000000
    Swift: OTPVHUHB
    Euro bank account: 11763945-00237888-00000000
    Euro IBAN: HU 85 11763945-00237888-00000000
    Swift: OTPVHUHB

    Annual energy consumption report 2019 »